
Scotland’s journey out of lockdown

In Scotland, the journey out of lockdown will take a step forward on Saturday 5 June when large swathes of the country move into level one, allowing more people to…

R Number and growth rate may put Step 4 date back

The latest R Number and growth rate figures as the Late Spring Bank Holiday approached were, respectively, 1.0 to 1.1 and 0% to +3%. This is the first time since…

Domestic forecast for Britain updated 7 May

VisitBritain has run a new domestic tourism forecast, which represents a snapshot in time and makes a number of assumptions to provide an estimate of impact.  It forecasts £13.5bn in…

Travel guidance amended for areas with high incidence of Indian variant

The Government has changed the travel guidance that applies to areas with the new variant (often referred to as the variant first identified in India). It is spreading fastest in:

New Cabinet for Scotland

The new Scottish Government Cabinet has been unveiled. Nicola Sturgeon is First Minister and Michael Matheson remains Cabinet Secretary for Transport. A full list of appointments can be found below:

VisitEngland Domestic Consumer Sentiment Tracker – caravanning in top spot

VisitEngland has published the results of wave 30 of its consumer sentiment tracker, which is based on fieldwork conducted between 4-9 May among a nationally representative sample of adults.


VisitEngland Domestic Consumer Sentiment Tracker – caravanning in top spot (1)

VisitEngland has published the results of wave 30 of its consumer sentiment tracker, which is based on fieldwork conducted between 4-9 May among a nationally representative sample of adults.


Test and Trace – outdoor events and eat-in hospitality venues

DCMS and DoH have produced guidance on the application of Test and Trace to outdoor events in England:

  • Many outdoor events are not currently included in the scope of the…

The Queen’s Speech – planning reforms and moves to net zero emissions

In a speech in the House of Lords, Her Majesty The Queen highlighted 30 laws that ministers intend to pass in the coming year. (This includes a number of bills…

Changes to restrictions in Scotland

The First Minister has confirmed that most of Scotland will move down from Level Three to Level Two and that from 17 May:

  • Up to six people from three households…