Wales announces vaccine passports

23, September 2021

The Welsh First Minister has announced that people will have to show an NHS COVID Pass to enter nightclubs and attend events in Wales from next month (October 2021). The measure is being introduced to help control the spread of coronavirus – cases are currently high in Wales, but the alert level will remain at zero for the next three weeks.

Announcing the outcome of the latest 3-week review of the coronavirus regulations, the Minister encouraged everyone to work from home whenever possible and to make sure they are fully vaccinated.

The requirement to show an NHS COVID Pass will come into force from 11 October. It will mean all over-18s will need to have a NHS COVID Pass to enter:

  • Nightclubs
  • Indoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people, such as concerts or conventions
  • Outdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 people
  • Any setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance

Read more about the COVID pass here.

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