Step 4 postponed

15, June 2021

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson was joined by Chief Medical Officer for England, Chris Whitty, and Chief Scientific Adviser, Patrick Vallance, at a press briefing last night (14 June). 

As not all of four tests for proceeding to Step 4 in the UK Government roadmap have been met, Step 4 openings will be delayed until 19 July (with exceptions relating to weddings and wakes).

The situation will be monitored daily and if after two weeks, the risk looks like it has diminished, it might be possible to move to Step 4 earlier. In the meantime, pilots for sporting events, such as the Euros, and some theatre performances will continue.

See the Prime Minister’s statement and the slides and dataset from the briefing.

The guidance on what you can and cannot do in England has been updated with a summary on changes from 21 June.

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