Questions in the House regarding the introduction of a tourist accommodation registration scheme

24, May 2022

Answered on Friday 20 May 2022 by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport

Wera Hobhouse MP: To ask the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, what her timetable is for consulting on the introduction of a tourist accommodation registration scheme.

Nigel Huddleston MP responded on behalf of the government: “The Tourism Recovery Plan, published in June 2021, included a commitment to consult on a Tourism Accommodation Registration Scheme in England.

“Ahead of this, however, the government intends to launch a call for evidence that will seek views on a range of issues that arise from the increase in short term and holiday letting.

“First, I want to gather information that will improve the government’s understanding of the benefits and challenges of the increase in short-term and holiday letting we have seen in England in recent years. Second, I want to gather initial views on what would and would not constitute a proportionate response to addressing some of the challenges.

“This evidence will help us determine whether there are options the government should pursue through a consultation.”

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