Changes to restrictions in Scotland

13, May 2021

The First Minister has confirmed that most of Scotland will move down from Level Three to Level Two and that from 17 May:

  • Up to six people from three households will be able to meet in each other’s homes or gardens without physical distancing
  • Up to six people from three households will be able to meet indoors in places such as pubs, cafes and restaurants, while up to eight people from eight households will be able to meet outdoors
  • Pubs and restaurants will be able to serve alcohol indoors until 10:30pm in two-hour booked slots
  • Venues including cinemas, theatres, concert halls, music venues, comedy clubs, amusement arcades, casinos, snooker halls and bingo halls will be able to reopen
  • Events will resume with a maximum capacity of 100 people indoors, 250 outdoors where there is unrestricted standing and 500 for events with seating. Organisers will be allowed to apply to hold bigger events
  • Outdoor contact sports and indoor group exercise classes will be able to restart
  • Amateur performing arts groups will be able to perform outdoors.

The source document can be read here.

From 17 May, international travel into Scotland will move to a traffic light system that at present mirrors that in England.

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