A resume of the latest COVID restrictions around the UK

20, September 2021

Below is a brief resume of the rules restrictions that are currently (as at 20 September 2021) in place in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, together with links to the relevant guidance.


England has moved to Step 4 of the roadmap:

  • Social distancing measures lifted
  • No limits on the number of people who can attend weddings, funerals and other events
  • Contacts of a positive case will no longer need to self-isolate if they have been double-jabbed or are under 18

The current guidance can be found here.


Scotland is no longer in Level Zero.

The latest guidance can be found here.


Wales is at alert level zero:

  • All legal limits on the number of people who can meet have been lifted
  • Businesses, employers and other organisations must undertake COVID-19 risk assessments

The most recent rules can be foundĀ here.

Northern Ireland

COVID-19 restrictions have been significantly eased over the past few weeks although some restrictions and guidance remain in place:

  • Up to 15 people from 4 households can meet in a private home and stay overnight.

The latest rules can be found here.

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