The NCC Energy Efficiency Rating Scheme (EERS) calculator is used for Holiday Caravans (HC) and a calculation is required for each approved model. Every HC is dispatched with a structural thermal rating label displayed in the front window facing outwards, and a copy of the structural thermal rating label is also included in the document pack.
What the calculator does?
Energy is lost from a Holiday Caravan in a number of ways:
1. Through the fabric of the Holiday Caravan (i.e. floor, external wall, and roof structures; windows/doors; etc);
2. Through ventilation openings;
3. Through air leakage;
The structural thermal labels produced by the EERS calculator express the rating as a number between 0-10 on a circular scale, with 10 being the most thermally efficient structure possible. The ratings are an excellent way for comparing one Holiday Caravan to another (of a similar size and specification).